Apply Here To Work With Me!

Get My 1 On 1 Help To Reduce Your Tax Bill Significantly

And Start Playing The Tax Game Like The Wealthiest People In Society

There Are Only 50 Spots Available

Act Now Or Miss Out!

General Admission
Sole Proprietor
I have the financial resources to invest in the growth of my business right now

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Apply To Work With Me

  • 12 Month Access to Tax Alchemy Private Client Group

  • Tax Alchemy Course Lifetime Access

  • ​1 - on - 1 Private Tax Plan Kick-Off Call with Licensed Tax Strategist

  • Done-For-You Prior Year “Missed Opportunity “ Tax Analysis

  • Done-For-You 2024 Tax Projections and Analysis

  • Done For-You 2024 Strategic Tax Plan with All Strategies Included

  • 4 Tax Strategy Implementation Calls with Dedicated Tax Strategist

  • Done-For-You T-Formation Entity Structuring and Review

  • ​Done-For-You Entity Creation (WY COPE Included)

  • Full Cost Segregation Study Analysis and Report Included

  • Complete Hand-Holding Through Rental Purchase Process

  • Weekly Tax Strategy Coaching Calls with Karlton & Private Client Members

  • ​Private Slack Channel w/ Karlton & Dedicated Tax Strategist

  • ​In-Person Mastermind Experience With Karlton & Private Client Members

Don’t Just Take My Word For It - Take A Look At What Others Have To Say About Working With Me:

"Save Me Money"

I was able to leverage Karlton's advice to now own twenty 

rental properties and offset hundreds of thousands of dollars of my income.

Chad WeSley Smith

CEO Of Juggernaut Training Systems

"Would've Paid Double"

I would have paid double, immediately, just to speak with Karlton. But once I did speak with him, even if I had paid double, I literally made my money back in twenty minutes.

Hunter Ceroy

Founder & CEO Of ChiroQueens

"Game Changer"

Karlton has changed the way I see taxes... If you want to reduce your taxes legally, he shows you how to do it. Anyone can do this.

Charlie Chang

Entrepreneur, Personal Finance Youtuber

Remember: There Are Only 50 Spots Available - Don’t Miss Out!

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